Feeder designs can limit hay waste RE.png

Feeder Designs Can Limit Hay Waste

Article excerpts:

“Feeding supplemental forage to cattle can be quite expensive. While the cost of hay has been down significantly from a year ago, hay costs still make up a large portion of cattle producers' input costs.

Reducing hay waste is one method cattle producers can use to limit their cost associated with feeding forages. There are many different hay feeder designs to select from and choosing the right one can help reduce hay waste.


Kansas State University Beef Production Systems Scientist Emma Briggs wrote in a recent news release that finding the right hay feeder will save hay and improve an operation's efficiency and profitability.

"Everyone has different needs," she wrote. "But how you feed your hay can significantly impact how much forage you feed during the winter, as well as how much can get wasted due to trampling or other environmental factors."

Link to article: HERE