2,334 acres +/- Hudson, CO

80 Stall Rotary Dairy
2,334 +/- acres Hudson, CO
Location: 19999 County Road 28, Hudson, CO 80642
Morwai Dairy is zoned for 6,000 head with a current constructed facility capacity of 3,000 head. Currently the facility is milking 2,600 head and shipping 6.3 million lbs./month. The milking units in the parlor were upgraded 3 years ago to AIC Analyst Presto Detacher. The remaining equipment is original and includes Westfalia Surge ProFORM Pulsation Control with Surge lnFARMation Milk Point Manager. There are a total of 6 free stall barns completed in 2021 that serve as wet cow holding pens, a hospital barn that was built in 1999 and 8 sets of pens associated with this dairy. Water for the operation is supplied by one 3" Central Weld County Water District water tap, and 145 units of CBT tied to this tap which will transfer with the sale. Well Permit No. 056883 is permitted for 549-acre feet. This well is used to irrigate 189 acres in the North 1/2 of Section 28. It is also permitted for parlor washing and miscellaneous uses in a commercial dairy up to 122.19-acre feet annually. The irrigation wells are augmented by Central, both WAS and GMS contracts.The sales price includes all milking and dry cows.
Directions: From Highway 85, south of Platteville, east on CR 28 approximately 1 mile to CR 41 and then north
Available upon request .
Presented by:
Ryan Hostetler
Managing Broker
3050 67th Avenue, Suite 200
Greeley, CO 80634
Email: ryan@agpros.com
Direct: 303-883-7080
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