Horse/Livestock Property
Horse/Livestock Property
25 acres +/- Ft. Lupton, CO

Horse/Livestock Property with manufactured home
Fort Lupton, CO
Location: 8924 County Road 25, Fort Lupton
Directions:From Hwy 85, west on CR 18 approximately 2 miles to CR 25 and then north.
All that portion of Lot 1 of the North half of the Northwest quarter of Section 19, Township 2 North, Range 66 West of the 6th P.M. County of Weld, State of Colorado, according to the map of Division Number 3 of the Lupton Meadows Land Company lying westerly of the of the center line of the South Platte River, except that portion conveyed in Deed recorded September 22, 1986 in Book 1128 at Reception Number 2070313, Weld County Records. Identified by Weld County Assessor Parcel No. 130919203001 containing 25.17 acres more or less.
Presented by:
Ryan Hostetler
Managing Broker
3050 67th Avenue, Suite 200
Greeley, CO 80634
Direct: 303-883-7080
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